Buenos Aires’s graffiti

28 February, 2011  |   2 comments

I haven’t found as many graffitis in Buenos Aires as in the past, but anyway there are some good ones. This is located under a bridge in the intersection of ‘Crámer’ and ‘Elcano’ avenues. Check the artist’s website TEC and his Flickr account.


  1. ruso  said: February 28, 2011

    Hey Ramiro, this piece is from TEC, one of the Fase group, who came from our beloved FADU.


    Ruta 9 project, reccommended: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tectec/5040553797/

    Andres desde ba

  2. sinserif  said: February 28, 2011

    Cool, now we have the artists’s name. Many thanks.

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