The Hague’s street signage

17 March, 2011  |   No comments

The Hague uses an interesting and original alphabet style in its street naming. It’s a typical ‘technical’ design, characterised by repetition of the same modules, and according to Albert-Jan Pool, related to DIN standards. Despite the ingenuity of its obvious typographic quirks, we like it; it’s part of the The Hague’s graphic and cultural DNA. For that reason, during our long wait for a new internet connection (thanks KPN!), we made up a digital version. Now it has a complete character map, numbers, punctuation marks, kerning and hinting—everything a typographer needs to set proper text.

But this revival is not due to become part of ReType’s library. We have enough ‘vernacular’ and modular designs, and prefer to focus on more professional production. However, any designer interested in using ‘Den Haag Straat’ for a graphic project or campaign, should contact us by the usual form. Be warned, ‘Den Haag Straat‘ is inexpensive, but not a ‘free’ font!


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