Letter exchange #8: From reviving Guyot’s types to cutting punches
On Thursday, June 22 at 18.30, Ramiro Espinoza will talk about his time at the Plantin Institute of Typography and his research on the types of lesser known punch cutters such as Joost Lambrecht and François Guyot. Reviving Guyot’s types as part of this experience led him to begin learning the art of punch cutting itself.
Letter Exchange Amsterdam’s 8th talk is hosted by:
Café de Bieb
Saenredamstraat 32, Amsterdam
Letter Exchange is a society founded in London in 1988 for professionals involved in the lettering arts, from: calligraphy, lettercutting, sign-writing, design
for print, typography and book design, type design, architectural lettering and signage. The aim of the society is to exchange knowledge and ideas between between professionals of various disciplines.
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